eBay motors Tire Installation



Improve tire installation services for tire buyers on eBay.

Although eBay currently has a legacy tire installation flow, it is not discoverable within search or browse pages. The only way to know installation is available is to luck into finding a tire where a seller also provides optional installation. This antiquated system doesn’t allow buyers to search for tires with installation or adjust a geographic area to choose where to install them.

The design challenge for this project is to create a flow where installation is discoverable, can be filtered within search, carries through to view item pages, and allows a customer to find their preferred local shop, schedule an appointment, and understand how to track and manage their purchase.

High-Level Limitations


Primary Goals

Fix discoverability and increase customer confidence during the tire buying experience while increasing the Tire Installation attach rate and overall tire sales.


Help The Customer

Focus on the user journey, utilize industry installation patterns customers are already used to, educate where appropriate, create beautiful simplicity and clarity.


User Journeys

Empathy Map




An Enhanced Tire Installation Experience MVP goes live.

The overall goal of the MVP was to resolve customer confusion, lack of clarity, poor user flow, and trust issues with eBay’s tire installation experience. With my designs we addressed the feature’s clarity and Transparency: We improved discoverability, simplified language, and provided detailed information, fostering trust. I streamlined the customer flow by minimizing steps and improving the journey, making adding installation services more efficient. With the modernized designs we received overwhelmingly positive feedback from XFN partners and stakeholders. Future user testing and feedback will ensure the screens met user needs and met the product teams KPIs. Iterations will continue with additional install partners, multiple regions and expand into parts & accessories.

  • Date: December 7, 2023
  • Company eBay
  • Platform IOS, ANDROID, WEB